We must inform you that we have had numerous complaints from various individuals (not members) stating and giving screen shot evidence, that one of our members is making racist comments and threats.
Firstly, some are stating the individual is employed by us. That is not so. We can confirm most strongly that none of our employees are involved with any of these comments or actions.
We are keeping you in the picture as we have been told by some of these complainants that the social media post has gone ’viral’ so this is just in case you come across them.
We, as a non-political professional body, distance ourselves from any such comments or actions. We can confirm that we will be instigating a full and impartial investigation which will be undertaken under our code of ethics and discipline.
We will also be instructing our staff to pass on all relevant emails we have received to the Derbyshire Constabulary.
David White FIFSM (Life)
President IFSM