Grenfell Update: Written Statement made 19 July 2018 by James Brokenshire, Secretary of State, Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (HCWS890) in the House of Commons
Please find here the latest statement made yesterday by the Government regarding Grenfell. As always we try and get any information we receive and we think is relevant to you as soon as possible. The content gives us the latest update on what the Government is doing and thinking in response to Grenfell.
Furthermore, please find below two links for consultation, one focused on ADB and one on Welsh Government banning the use of combustible materials in the external walls of high-rise residential buildings.
In line with our primary objectives and philosophy, The IFSM will be providing input to represent our members via our Technical subgroup. However if you wish to add any comments feel free to use the links below to provide your own comments and thoughts;
ADB consultation:
Welsh Government Consultation:
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