The IFSM Welcomes its 1000th Member

Mr Darren Cook, the Head of Group Compliance at Principal Hotel Company, recently became the 1000th Member to join to The Institute of Fire Safety Managers. The Institute is delighted to welcome Mr Cook and mark this momentous occasion by presenting him with an expense-paid invite to our 2018 AGM and a year’s free membership. Our AGM, which will be held at Eventcity, Manchester on the 9th October 2018 will include a Technical Meeting and a Presentation to celebrate this significant milestone.
Current membership Secretary, Dave White said “this is a fantastic achievement and really reflects the great work and progression that we are making as an Institute”.

The Institute was initially formed 25 years ago in 1993 to provide a professional ‘haven’ for those people who were involved directly with fire safety management in industry and commerce. Initial membership was about 15-20 persons however as more individuals qualified with the CFPA Diploma, so the numbers grew. Gary Whitworth, Stewart Kidd, May Husseyin, Peter Cowland and Ken Day played a major part in the early days.


Around 2002 the membership had reached a critical point. Retirements, people moving on to new horizons, changes in employment and the constant pressure on individuals to try and run the Institute meant a slump in activities followed quickly by a slump in membership. However, there were a few people who did still have a ‘vision’ and on 7th February 2005 a meeting was held in Hatfield, chaired by Bob Docherty to re-establish the Institute and discuss its future development. it was decided that a new and larger team should be formed at which time Dr Bob Docherty, John Williamson, Stuart Cocking, Andy Frankowski and Ken Day came on board and formed a new Council with Stewart Kidd as President.


On January 9th, 2006, Companies House accepted the Institute’s application to be called an Institute as a registered, certified, fully incorporated and limited company with the title of The Institute of Fire Safety Managers. Over the past 13 years we have grown rapidly with a dedicated team on Council whose members represent the Institute on national and international committees and forums. Our input and participation on these is highly valued and respected. It is all part of our goal to raise the standard of fire safety both at a national and local level, to consult with all stakeholders and respond to changes in legislation and to actively encourage a professional approach to fire safety management through education and awareness.


From the initial 15-20 Members who came together in 1993, to the few who shared the vision to re-invigorate the Institute back in 2005, to the 1000 plus Members we welcome in our community today, it has been an incredible ride for the IFSM and no doubt a ride that will continue onwards and upwards to more great things. Here’s to the next 25 years and the next 1000 members!