Members will recall we are represented in a number of the working groups and heavily involved in competencies for fire risk assessors. Please see here a copy of the first quarterly report of the IRG Steering Group on Competences for Building a Safer Future, which was submitted to the Secretary of State (copied to Dame Judith Hackitt) on Friday. As you can see from the report, things are moving very fast but we will try our best to keep you updated and informed as we move along.
There is a fairly ‘stiff’ timetable we are working to and there will be significant outcomes involved, significant for all of us in the fire sector. When the time is right, probably around the first quarter of 2019, we will be holding seminars to update you all on the outcome of these working groups. In the meantime, attending and working on these groups is taking a lot of our chairmans own time and hopefully the report will keep you updated but if you do have a ‘burning question’ on the working groups or anything in the report, please email [email protected] and it will be forward it on to our chairman.
[pdf-embedder url=”” title=”Quarterly Report – FINAL PDF”]