It is the start of the consultation process of ‘all things’ that will come out of the Hackitt review. It is highlighted for members information but as you can see, you can comment directly on the document (there are 12 questions they ask) but also, Council will be putting in the Institute’s corporate response. So, if you feel like contributing to it, please forward your responses to the 12 questions to [email protected] so that we can collate into our collective response.
The MHCLG on 11 April 2018 issued a consultation on proposed amendments to Approved Document B (statutory guidance on fire safety) that would restrict or ban the use of assessments in lieu of tests (also known as desktop studies). The consultation document can be viewed at:
You can respond to the consultation online at and the deadline for consultation responses is 25 May 2018
Any responses should be sent to [email protected]
As always we will try our best to make sure you are kept up to date with all developments.